The Blue Raccoon

Friday, November 02, 2007

First Friday A-gayne

That's right, billion-eyed audience, these two ladies--shown here at a long-ago Three Miles Gallery opening--mean that yes, it's First Friday Art-a-palooza in Richmond, Vee-ay.

This evening The Partner-n-Art and I are hitting first a slew of Main Street galleries that are having openings tonight; including a big drawing show at Main Art, Kathleen Markowitz and Steve Clark at Page Bond, and Richard Roth at Reynolds.

Then we may mosey down to check out all the gyrations on Broad Street. I'm looking forward to the later performance of the eighth blackbird ensemble at Art6.

The group (left) plays contemporary music, but that's like a misnomer. They perform and at the highest level of musicianship. Plus, Lisa Kaplan is the pianist.

It's invariable that we'll run into various folks along the way and plans may veer off into something else.

Tomorrow I have a book signing at the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center for the Valentine Richmond History Center, which was so helpful in preparing the slender volume.

Then there's the Standing O by Opus to benefit SPARC tomorrow night. All this, and laundry and cat box excavations.

Ah, the glamour. It is almost unbearable.

It'll be a chilly night. Dress comfortable but warm and bring your mittens.

Tis the season for women wearing boots.

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